Hurricane preparedness for you & your pet!

With hurricane season upon us, preparing in advance of a hurricane is key. It’s simple, quick, and will save you worry when it comes time to put your hurricane plan into action.

Having a Pet Emergency Kit is important, especially during Hurricane Season! Just as you do with your family’s emergency supply kit, think first about the basics for survival, such as food and water. 

When putting together your pet emergency kit consider what they will need for at least one week if your home is without power or running water.

A hurricane emergency kit for your pet should include:

  • Enough food and bottled water to last one week or more.
  • Poop Bags
  • Medical records, name of veterinarian, medication, feeding schedule, and current photos of your pet(s).
  •  Calming chews / treats
  • A 1- to 2-month supply of pet medications is needed, as they may be difficult or impossible to find during and after a hurricane. 
  • A travel crate (soft crate, fold up wire crate, impact crate
  • Sturdy, extra leashes that have reflective tape or flashlights.
  • A pet first aid kit to help stabilize your pet in its case if injured, until veterinary care is found.

Storms are typically upsetting to pets. If you usually give your animals anti-anxiety medications during a routine storm, they will likely need them during a hurricane. Be sure to stock up on those in advance. Remember that our pets often look to us for comfort and security. While hurricanes are stressful and chaotic, do your best to remain calm so your pet feels safe too.

Planning and preparation before the storm will make things easier for you and your pet during and after the storm.

With hurricane season upon us, preparing in advance of a hurricane is key. It’s simple, quick, and will save you worry when it comes time to put your hurricane plan into action.

Having a Pet Emergency Kit is important, especially during Hurricane Season! Just as you do with your family’s emergency supply kit, think first about the basics for survival, such as food and water. 

When putting together your pet emergency kit consider what they will need for at least one week if your home is without power or running water.

A hurricane emergency kit for your pet should include:

  • Enough food and bottled water to last one week or more.
  • Poop Bags
  • Medical records, name of veterinarian, medication, feeding schedule, and current photos of your pet(s).
  •  Calming chews / treats
  • A 1- to 2-month supply of pet medications is needed, as they may be difficult or impossible to find during and after a hurricane. 
  • A travel crate (soft crate, fold up wire crate, impact crate
  • Sturdy, extra leashes that have reflective tape or flashlights.
  • A pet first aid kit to help stabilize your pet in its case if injured, until veterinary care is found.

Storms are typically upsetting to pets. If you usually give your animals anti-anxiety medications during a routine storm, they will likely need them during a hurricane. Be sure to stock up on those in advance. Remember that our pets often look to us for comfort and security. While hurricanes are stressful and chaotic, do your best to remain calm so your pet feels safe too.

Planning and preparation before the storm will make things easier for you and your pet during and after the storm.


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